Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic disease in the world. The International Diabetes Foundation estimates that approximately 10,5% of the adult population (20-79 years old) world wide suffered from diabetes in 2021.1 They expect this figure to grow to 643 million by 2030, that’s a 20% increase! Continue reading “Managing Diabetes Naturally”
Negative Thinking Weakens The Immune System

Some time back I wrote about how having a negative attitude is seriously bad for our health. Well, it goes even further than that. Science is also telling us that a negative attitude will depress the immune system, making us less able to fight off infection.
The Corona pandemic has made us all aware of how important a strong immune system is. Good diet, exercise and weight management all play a role in maintaining good immunity, but how many of us have ever given a thought to how our thinking affects our immune system? Continue reading “Negative Thinking Weakens The Immune System”