Our goal is to give you the very latest information, backed by science, relating to the health challenges facing us today.
On this page you’ll find information, including reports, links to research papers, video and text files, which will help you to take control of your health. Please feel free to use the info and to share it with family and friends – it’s our hope that it will make a meaningful difference.
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- Cancer Part 1 – Preventing cancer
- Cancer Part 2 – Surviving Cancer
- Chronic Diseases
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy

Coping With Depression Without Drugs
Natural Strategies For Heart Health
A Natural Approach To Children’s Health
Chronic Diseases – How To Prevent Them Naturally

Here are links to the very latest scientific studies
New study shows that antibiotic use for babies increases asthma risk
Anti-Inflammatory Diet May Reduce Dementia Risk by Up to a Third
What we do today can impact our brain for up to 15 days, a new study from Finland shows.
Study shows that a combination of natural supplements slows the progression of Macular Degeneration
Study shows that improving diet and reducing sugar can slow the aging process
Study shows that Diet Is Crucial in Post-Heart Attack Recovery
Improving the health of you gut microbiome increases your resilience to stress
Interval Walking Training (IWT) associated with significant health benefits
Lack of omega 3 leads to aggression in kids
Weekend sleeping-in can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
Medications for ADHD associated with increased risk of developing glaucoma
Cannabis, nicotine use during pregnancy increases rate of infant death fourfold
Dietary Protein intake in midlife associated with significantly improved aging
A new review confirms the benefits of exercise for ADHD children
Consumption of energy drinks in young poses severe health risks
Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules
Risk of young-onset dementia could be reduced through targeting health and lifestyle factors
New study links artificial sweeteners significantly alter the small bowel microbiome
A 2019 study highlights the dangers of parasites dangerous to human heath in foods made from insects
An Australian study shows that Vit B3 (nicotinamide) helps prevent skin cancer
A new review shows that vaping may affect fertility in young adults.
A review of studies suggests that CoQ10 is a promising treatment for heart failure
Having a flu shot increases your chances of infecting others according to a new study
DHA, in Omega 3, improves chemo effectiveness for brain cancer treatment
DHA, in Omega 3, inhibits the Proliferation and Progression of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells
Cholesterol does not cause heart disease – a review of current scientific literature shows.
Studies show that eating legumes like lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas reduces cholesterol levels
Study finds link between commonly prescribed statin and memory impairment
Probiotics linked to lower rates of allergies in kids
Studies show alarming increase in risk of breast cancer after abortion
Study shows that Omega 3 oil protects the brain from the negative effects of junk foods
New study shows that Vit C may lower the effects of air pollution
Study shows definite link between soft drink consumption and behavioural problems in children
New study shows inreased breast cancer risk among women using statin drugs
Chemical widely used in antibacterial hand soaps may impair muscle function
Study reveals link between cell phone usage and increased risk of brain tumours in children
Omega 3s inhibit breast cancer growth
Carotenoids help reduce breast cancer risk
Daily doses of probiotic reduces ‘bad’ and total cholesterol
Eating lentlils & beans can help control Type 2 Diabetes & prevent heart disease
Ginger selectively kills breast cancer cells
Passive smoking also affects neurodevelopment in babies
Pancreatic Cancer Risk May Be Reduced Up To Two Thirds By High Dietary Antioxidant Intake
Study Shows High-Fructose Diet Sabotages Learning, Memory
Increasing Omega 3 levels may reduce prostrate cancer growth
Childhood Exposure To Germs May Help Immunity
Antioxidants may improve cancer drugs
Fish oil may hold key to leukaemia cure
Taking antibiotics can irreversibly damage our gut bacteria
Curcumin is a potent cancer fighter
Supplementing with Omega 3 can boost babies immune systems
Using olive oil in your diet may prevent strokes
Study shows that Omega 3 helps depression in elderly & improves quality of life
New study proves Omega 3 prevents inflammation linked to heart & other diseases
New study supports link between diet and ADHD
Caramel Colouring in soft drinks linked to cancer
Processed food diet in early childhood may lower subsequent IQ
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed without drugs
Moms who don’t breastfeed more likely to develop type 2 diabetes
Obsession with antibacterial cleaners bad for you and the planet
Too much caffeine during pregnancy can cause smaller than normal babies
Pregnant moms can prevent eczema in babies by taking probiotics